Lacking Motivation and Clarity, Feeling Stuck?

Do you feel stuck in life? Not sure where your get-up-and-go went?  Or can you not see the road ahead in life in general or to success in your career, sport or relationships?  Many of us go through a time where we feel confused or just can’t progress.

Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest forms of healing techniques and can use the mind-body connection to assist with our general well-being and enhance our direction in life and performance either specifically or generally.

By using hypnotherapy, we can access our subconscious mind, the area that controls unconscious thoughts, behaviours, emotions and actions.  If there is an old issue or past experience that is stopping us moving forward or effecting our motivation, hypnotherapy can help us heal this old issue and replace negative and limiting beliefs with new, positive forward moving ones.  This will lead to an increase in motivation, clarity as to where we are going in life and enable us to see that road ahead, full of happiness and success.

Anxiety, Stress and Depression.

Do you find that feeling anxious or stressed is impacting your life?  Would you like to be able to attend that party, walk in the office without butterflies or just feel comfortable going outside of the house?  Whatever the circumstances, be it occasional or constant, stress and anxiety can restrict how we feel and what we do.

We all have triggers within us that can cause us to feel anxious and stressed. Our subconscious stores all our past experiences which can unconsciously impact our current emotions, thoughts and beliefs.   Hypnotherapy and counselling can work to reprocess these triggers by decreasing self-consciousness, giving us increased control of internal sensations and emotions resulting in less worry.  It can stop old messages that aren’t working for us, leaving us able to feel happy, at peace and able to work towards success and happiness in our lives.

Maximising Your Potential.

Ok, so you are doing alright but you want to do better.  You just made budget or you are in the Seconds but what you would really like is to be smashing that budget or in the Firsts team.  Or you get anxious when you go into that sales call or go for goal.  Maybe its just that you suddenly lose concentration and things slip.

 Hypnotherapy can be used to help you visualise coming out on top in that sales call or putting that goal through the sticks.  It will give you a clear image of what you want to achieve and how to go about doing it.  Whether you are a sales person, an athlete or having trouble functioning in the optimal zone in any area of your life, hypnotherapy can maximise your potential and you will come out the winner.

Confidence and self esteem issues.

Do you find it hard to walk into a room full of people because you feel unsure of yourself?  Or are you reticent to apply for that new job or ask someone you like out because you just don’t feel confident within yourself?  Do you look at people that just go ahead and do it and wish it was you?

A lack of confidence and self-esteem can come from negative experiences we have had in the past, something that happened so early in life we can’t even remember it.  This is where hypnotherapy can help.  Our mind is made up of two parts, the conscious and the subconscious.  Our subconscious is the part that houses our dreams, memories and rhythmic control of our body.  We can access our subconscious through hypnotherapy and contact our inner self.  It’s then possible to use purposeful cooperation to make therapeutically beneficial corrections to our subconscious mind.  This can result in us thinking and acting on positive new beliefs leading us to have more confidence and positive self-esteem.  Now open that door and walk into the room….

Repeating negative patterns and behaviours.

Ever found yourself going out with the same type of person over and over and it never works out?  Or you have the same arguments or repeat the same behaviours in certain situations but you just can’t stop yourself?

This is because our subconscious mind has stored experiences and memories from our formative years when we weren’t able to think in a critical, logical way.  While those thoughts, emotions and behaviours may have helped us then, they might not be what we need now and they result in us repeating unconscious, negative patterns and/or behaviours.

Hypnotherapy can help us regain control and make the right choices in life by changing our beliefs, perceptions and sensations directly in the subconscious mind.  Our negative belief patterns can be changed to positive reaction resulting in powerful positive changes and outcomes in our lives.

Changes in life stages.

Is life changing for you?  Have you just had children and are feeling anxious?  Or the children have all started school and you now have time for yourself but don’t know who you are other than parent?  Do you have a child that is starting primary or secondary school and doesn’t want to go?  Maybe its time to retire or at the very least slow down but what does that mean for you?  Changes in our life, moving from one stage to the next, whether we are adult or child, can bring our anxieties to the surface and make us uncertain of how to handle the change or move forward.

Hypnotherapy can help.  Using hypnotherapy we can access the subconscious and deal with the issue that is causing the anxiety.  It might be something from our formative years, a memory we can’t access that has stopped us in our tracks as we try to move from one stage to the next.  Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest forms of healing techniques and can use the mind-body connection to assist with our general well-being and enhance our direction in life, helping us find peace and happiness and move into that next stage with confidence and purpose.

Pain Control.

Pain is physically and emotionally exhausting for our body and soul.  It can make us not want to get out of bed, aggravate our moods and stop us doing things we enjoy in life.  Basically, it can be debilitating.

The mind has great control over our bodies and the subconscious is at the centre of that control. Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious to bring about healing.  Hypnotherapy has been used in ancient cultures and indigenous tribes for healing since the start of written history back in the times of the Egyptians in 3000BC.   It has also been used for pain relief since the mid-1800s as it is a natural anaesthetic.  Used in combination with traditional pain therapies, hypnotherapy can give you control back over your body and life.

Eating and Lifestyle Choices.

Very few of us are happy with our bodies. Would you like to look in the mirror and feel happy with the you that you see? Body image is as much about our emotional state as it is about our eating and lifestyle choices.

Hypnotherapy can help resolve those issues which are effecting how we eat or our motivation to exercise, even the underlying anxiety that makes it impossible to gain or lose weight. It also helps us to find peace within, so that when we do look in the mirror, we see the beauty within and the love we have for ourselves.

Addiction and Addictive Behaviours.

Addiction comes in many forms – smoking, work, alcohol, shopping, illicit drugs, gambling, sex – just to name a few.  Our addictions, whatever they may be, can stem from something we subconsciously lack or have not resolved.  Wouldn’t it be great to stop feeling reliant and be able to live you life freer and happier.

Hypnotherapy and counselling can help you deal with your addictive behaviours by gaining access to your subconscious mind, the place where the reason for your addiction lies, be it habit or something deeper.  The subconscious is where we store our past memories, experiences, beliefs, thoughts and emotions.  Its our autopilot, that can help us ride a bike or reach for that cigarette and light it, without consciously thinking about how to do it.

Hypnotherapy will allow you to reprogram the conditioning that causes your addiction and help you to replace old, negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours with new positive ones, enabling you to break free and move on.

Give your life direction, depth and purpose.