Connection between healing your inner child and self-love

Understanding the connection between your inner child and self-love is an important part of anyone’s healing journey.

Your inner child is the metaphorical ‘little you’, a sub-character that is still childlike and innocent. By connecting with this part of ourselves, we are able to gain an understanding about our unhealed wounds from need that were not meet when we were younger.

Connecting with your inner child to stop negative self talk

Think about little you at an age before 7 or 8. Think about how innocent you were and full of childlike wonder. Your inner child doesn’t know yet how to criticise themselves. They don’t have mean thoughts about how they look or if they’re smart enough. But as adults we can have rampant negative thoughts about ourselves.

When you picture your inner child, would you say to them the negative things you think about yourself as an adult? They are you, and just like you would not say hurtful things to your child self, you should not say hurtful things about adult you.

Healing inner child wounds

Our inner child is also a part of our subconscious, and they hold memories and beliefs formed at an early age when we were not able to fully process our emotions and feelings. For example, you may have wanted something when you were younger that your friend or sibling had, and it could have created a belief that ‘you don’t get what you want’. This belief in your subconscious would follow you into adulthood and be a block to you living a life that you want.

Hypnotherapy can help heal these old beliefs that are in our subconscious, and in that process help to heal your inner child.

When doing inner child work healing, you work to ensure that your child feels seen, important, validated in the emotions they feel and that they are worthy. All of the work you do to heal your inner child, is self love. It is showing yourself kindness and forgiving yourself for ever judging, blaming or shaming yourself.


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