The benefits of a Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is a gentle form of hypnotherapy which accesses soul memories of past life experiences which are hidden in the subconscious mind.

A regression can take you back to a time that is hidden in your subconscious mind, where you experienced trauma or created emotional blocks that are impacting your life today.

It is a powerful tool that can help you heal and overcome painful experiences so that you can live a happy life and positive life.

What are the benefits of Past Life Regression? 

Past Life Regressions can help with releasing deep rooted fears and blocks, as well as:

  •  Help with anxiety and mood disorders.

  • Assist in understanding personal relationships.

  • Help to discover the roots of physical conditions.

  • Realign with your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

  • Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime.

  • Help heal old beliefs and fears.

What to expect during a Past Life Regression?

Using an induction, Lynne will guide you into a relaxed state of hypnosis. During the session, you will be guided and prompted to recall memories from a past life.

Led by your answers, Lynne will begin to help direct you to make the changes you want. Once the session is complete, Lynne will start the gentle process of guiding you back to a state of awareness.

If you are interested to learn more, reach out via our contact form or send an email to


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